2021 8.12 Thu

お盆の「仏迎え」の準備が整いました / Preparations for the Obon “welcoming of the Buddha”




Preparations for the Obon “welcoming of the Buddha” are now in place.

The word “Obon” is an abbreviation of the Buddhist word “Ura-bon-e”. The word is said to have originated from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word “urambana”.

It is believed that the spirits of ancestors return to their homes.
In order to prevent the spirits of ancestors from wandering off, we mark the entrance and prepare offerings to welcome them.

People get ready to welcome the spirits of ancestors by making fires in the evening of the 13th of August.

The welcome fire is to show a sign for the spirits to come back to without getting lost.

People light fires again to send the spirits back in the evening of the 16th of August.


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